Wild in Bayside – Making Room for Nature in our Urban Future
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Date(s) - 2 October 2018
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Beaumaris Senior Citizens Centre (behind library)

In the past, cities were thought of as concrete jungles devoid of life. But urban ecosystems do support life.

Join Friends Of Native Wildlife and Amy Hahs to learn about softening our cities to ensure many species will adapt and thrive into the future. We need to rethink our infrastructure, our streetscapes, our energy use, our food supplies and our water.

Ecologically-designed cities will improve quality of life for people now and for future generations. Biodiversity helps shape our natural and cultural heritage and gives us a sense of place and identity. It gives us – both people and our wildlife – sustainable and resilient ecosystems.

Amy K Hahs is a director at Urban Ecology in Action, helping state and local governments and other organisations to integrate biodiversity into urban landscapes.

Please register via Eventbrite.

Photo credit: Denis Young