One of the best things you can do to support local wildlife is to start in your own backyard! The Gardens for Wildlife Victoria website has a wealth of information on how to turn your garden – no matter how big or small – into a haven where wild plants and animals can shelter, visit or make their homes. Be it plant containers, a courtyard, roof top garden, deck or larger space – we can all contribute to the survival of wildlife by providing suitable places (habitat) for birds, insects, frogs, lizards and other animals.
A number of Councils in the Living Links region run Gardens for Wildlife programs. Some have volunteers who can visit your property and help you design your private wildlife sanctuary. Many offer free plants and/or other resources. Follow the links below to find out what’s on offer in your local Council:
If your Council is not yet on the list, check out the Gardens for Wildlife Victoria website for help, and to get in touch if you’d like to help start a program in your area.