Living Links is proud to work with the community to deliver education and sustainability outcomes. As a partner of the annual Earthwatch Kids Teachings Kids Conference, Living Links supported 2000 students from across the nation to come together on 26 and 27 November for this two-day interactive and empowering celebration of sustainability learnings.
Students participated in workshops and legacy projects to become environmental stewards. The virtual experience offered student-produced workshops, environmental ambassador keynote speakers, and in school legacy projects.
Read more about the Kids Teaching Kids Conference
The 2021 Living Links Ambassador school, River Gum Primary School (RGPS), presented their project, ‘Our Miniature Nature Reserve’. Grade 5 students at RGPS created a pond on the school grounds and upcycled a garden shed to house seedlings until they where ready to plant around the school. The students also created a how to guide for creating insect hotels from recycled materials.
Congratulations to the Grade 5 students and their teacher, Chris Taylor, for showing such great resilience and innovation in a challenging year to produce a fantastic sustainability result